Sonntag, 25. September 2011

In need of a real Letter from Santa Claus?


Again I am offering the service of writing a real letter in Santa Claus' name to your kids, family, friends, lover etc.! Letter will be handwritten and gets vintage, romantic decoration incl. frosty glimmer and if you want reindeer food to be placed at your front door. You will get an order confirmation and the letter will be send off in the end of November or beginning of December with a special post office stamp and in a beautiful envelope.

What I need to know is the name of the person you want to be the receiver, his/her special wishes or other important facts, such as what may have happend during the year or so....all infos will be handled discrete and not provided to others.

for further questions, just give me a mail; time flies by quickly, so hurry up! My address is:

I just ask for a small fee to cover my expenses. Looking forward to hear from you!

Auch dieses Jahr biete ich wieder den Service an, einen echten, handgeschriebenen Brief im Namen vom Weihnachtsmann, an Kinder, Verwandte, Freunde, Bekannte usw. zu senden. Er wird schön dekoriert, stimmungsvoll mit Frostglitzer versehen und wenn gewünscht sogar mit Rentierfutter bestückt, das man vor der Haustür auslegen kann. Ich versende zunächst eine Auftragsbestätigung und der eigentliche Brief kommt dann Ende November oder Anfang Dezember mit einem speziellen Stempel vom Weihnachtspostamt in einem schönen Umschlag. Natürlich benötige ich den Namen des Empfängers, die speziellen Wünsche der Person und anderes Wichtiges ggf. was dieses vergangene Jahr geschehen ist. Alle Angaben werden natürlich streng vertraulich behandelt!

Für weitere Infos sende mir gerne eine Mail an Die Zeit vergeht rasch, deswegen schnell entscheiden; ich erwarte nur ein kleines Entgelt für meine Ausgaben. Bis bald!

Sonntag, 14. August 2011

K.H. Petersen Oilpaintings of Norway's South Coast ~

Today I would like to introduce painter and concept art pioneer
K.H. Petersen
to you!
He was born 1950 in Castrop-Rauxel in Germany, but moved up north as a teenager.
Later he went more north to Scandinavia and found the greatest experiences and challanges in Norway, where he had his atelier for almost ten years.
He studied art and graphics at Kiel University;
his prof being nobody smaller then Ekkehard Thieme. 
The fatal diagnosis of Cardia-cancer forced him back to Germany
to get the best ever treatment.
Shown above are two large oilpaintings
representing the area around Stangnes and Stabbestad at Norway's very
austral coast.

Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009

~ Husky ~

Yes, every now and then I do oilpaintings as well....this one was made some time ago! Showing a northern scene/dog again - what else...?! *grin* It is 50 x 50 cm on canvas. Intrested? It is still available.... Y

Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009

♥ Award! ♥

From Inger-55 in Trondheim, Norway, I received this beautiful Award! Thanx so much, was so lovely of you to think of me!
There are many blogs I frequently read out in Bloglandia and I especially love those that provide me with fantastic pix also from the area they come from and which is of personal interest to me. Therefore this award goes on to:
Bella McBride
They deserve it!!! Thanking you for all the nice you present in your blogs

Dienstag, 3. Februar 2009

~ Andenes ~

Once whales were hunted in the more northern parts of the Atlantic Ocean from the shores of Norway. Then the Orcas swam into the fjords to hunt herring. Men started to hunt them only with cameras and swim with them in their flock. Herrings decided to take another route. So the Orcas followed them and disappeared off the fjords. Mother and child remain on my linnen, 50 x 50 cm, acryl on car-varnish. Y

Sonntag, 1. Februar 2009

~ ♥ ~ Thank You ~ ♥ ~

A Stencil Cut to say Thank You! For nearly 20 years of Togetherness, Truth, Faith and Joy!
Olly, 1989 - 23.3.2007 - will never be forgotten! ~

Dienstag, 27. Januar 2009

~ ♥ ~ Dog Box ~ ♥ ~

Another wooden Box: a Dog Box! Obviously a Goldie ~ handle is also goldish: a fine Markasite from the chalkmines in Lägerdorf. Maybe this is the right box for goodies and chews?